Quality Assurance Automation
Basic computer skill is needed.
Course overview:
This course is designed to teach Software Testing and Quality Assurance in a hands-on manner and prepare the participants for a career in this field. The course will provide instruction and hands-on training for the students to feel confident and begin working in the industry as a software tester or QA Analyst.
Students can combine modules to get a combo discount.
Course Content:
Module 1: Manual QA Testing (ISTQB - Exam Preparation )
Software Quality Assurance and Testing Basics
What is Software Quality Assurance (SQA), SQA vs. Software Testing
The profession of SQA
Knowledge and skill areas for SQA and Testing
Prevention v/s Detection
SDLC – Software Development Life Cycle
Patterns or Approaches of SDLC
Testing Principles
Requirements Analysis and more about testing basics
What are software requirements (use case)
Types of software requirements (functional vs Non-functional)
Analysis Techniques
Requirements Quality Analysis
STLC – Software Testing Life Cycle
Defect life cycle
Types of testing, black box, white box,
sanity testing, regression testing
Test Planning & Documentation
Test plan
Test case
Traceability Matrix
Test Reports
+ Project work
Module 2: Selenium Web Automation Testing
Introduction to Java Programming:
Setting Development Environment - Eclipse
Walkthrough of Java concepts
Hello World!
Introduction to Java Data Types
Taking Input from End-User
Numerical Data Type and Numerical Operators
Boolean Data Type and Operators
Conditional Statements [IF]
Conditional Statement[SWITCH]
String Data type and functions
Command Line Parameters
Java Object-Oriented + I/O concepts:
Hash Tables/ Map Object
Regular Expression
File Handling
Java OOPs Concept
Concept of Classes and Objects in Java
Concept of Packages in Java
Exception Handling
Debugging in Java
Java Collection APIs: List, Map, ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet, TreeSet
Selenium with Eclipse/Netbeans IDE:
Introduction of Selenium
Selenium Components
First Record and Replay of Scenario in Selenium IDE / Katalon IDE
Introduction of Web Technologies – HTML, XML, XPath, CSS and DOM
Locators in Selenium
Selenium Action Commands
Verification and Assertion Commands
Store and StoreEval – Accessor Commands
Creation of Test Suite
Debugging IDE Script
More on Selenium IDE
Overview of Web Driver:
Introduction to browser-specific drivers
Setup WebDriver package on the system for eclipse
Set up firebug for Firefox
Exporting pre-recorded test scenario in IDE to WebDriver, and executing it.
Webdriver class files, and their methods
Automating different HTML Elements text fields, buttons, links, check box, drop-down etc
Verification and Assertions
Desired Capabilities and IDE
Handling Web Table
Handling Drop Down elements
SwtichTo Command -Handling Frames, Popup Windows, Alerts
Brief about Ajax and how to handle Ajax with Web Driver
Java JDBC:
Database Concepts
JDBC –Introduction
Components of JDBC
Set JDBC with MYSQL Connector for Java Project
Introduction of Selenium Grid
Usage of Selenium Grid, executing the same test on different browsers
Introduction to Page Object Model
Junit + TestNG + Maven:
Introduction to Maven
Creating Test using TestNG and JUnit
Junit/TestNG Annotations
Explanation of TestNg XML
Execution of TestNg Tests
Explanation of Testing Folder, and various result files
Parameterize TestNg Test – Data Provider
Capturing screen shots
Custom reporter
Jenkins + Selenium:
Configure Java Project using Maven
Run Selenium Project
Configure TestNG Plugins: Email, Cobertura, FindBugs, PMD
Review TestNG Reports
+ Project work
Who should go for this course?
This course is designed for individuals who have some basic computer experience and wish to prepare as a Software Tester or Quality Assurance Analyst. The related experience might include familiarity with Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and using Internet browsers.
Special notes:
Multiple hands-on projects
Exam simulation + Quizzes will be provided
Support for Resume preparation
Support for Mock Interview
Support for Job Placement
Staffing Support​
Resume Preparation
Mock Interview Preparation
Phone Interview Preparation
Face to Face Interview Preparation
Project/Technology Preparation
Internship with internal project work
Externship with client project work
Our Salient Features:
Hands-on Labs and Homework
Group discussion and Case Study
Course Project work
Regular Quiz / Exam
Regular support beyond the classroom
Students can re-take the class at no cost
Dedicated conf. rooms for group project work
Live streaming for the remote students
Video recording capability to catch up the missed class